Sunday, November 05, 2006
Sleepy Sunday with photos!!!
We're all asleep here a Chez Shell and a little grumpy that morning came so soon. Or maybe its just because I found the camera card reader


Once the flash went off she sat up, though the flash still bugs her


I've done a bunch of spinning this weekend, despite personal tragedy:


Yep, that's my bloodwood greensleeves vixen (aka the red vixen)....probably my "most favoritist" laceweight spindle. Hopefully I will be able to glue it back together. This beautiful spindle with my tussah silk on it helped rope another future spinner in. She bought a starter kit at the LYS and a brief introduction from me on the basics got her going. I've been trying to focus on spinning off my "in process" spinning. The Tussah has been wound off my red vixen and I am in the midst of plying. I have some purple superwash from Luxe on my ebony vixen still in process. On the Joy, we have some almost solid from Spunky Eclectic, merino from Cherry Tree Hill, and some tussah silk from Cherry Tree Hill. Pics to come as they finish

And, finally, a pic of the LaBoehme shawl


It's still visiting a friend, for some reason I haven't been able to get it back yet! Other knitting news, I'm still working on my so-called scarf and I've now started the Knitpicks CandleFlame Shawl in Handmaiden Sea Silk.

I've got a lot of family stuff going on right now and work load is heavy. So posting will continue to be intermittent. Now, time to get busy!


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