Thursday, September 20, 2007
One day at a time
So during my commentary of my searching for balance, did I mention that I had noticed my hands going numb fairly frequently for the last month or so? I had a nerve test today for my left hand (since I'm left handed, it appears to be worse on that side)

Yeah, I have carpal tunnel.

My chiropractor thinks its my neck that is causing it? The neuro guy didn't say, but he seemed to imply that it was in my arm. And when I asked him how long I should give braces before surgery, he said 3-4 weeks!!!!! Which is kinda quick in my book, so either this guy is a little surgery-happy (which is not his rep) or my hands are in bad shape. So I'm a little (lot) upset, but I'm trying to be positive. Obviously any knitted or stitched gifts are minimal if at all this year. Knitting and stitching in general will be minimal. I need to reassess my computer time at home and at work.

In the house department, I have made progress in the studio. I still have many hours to go before it is sufficiently cleared out. But progress none the less.

Just trying to take it one day at a time....


Ooh, I'm sorry to hear about the neurological problems! I'll cross my fingers that it won't end up being something chronic.

(Also, since nerves run all over your body there is a possibility that problems in your hands could be caused by something wrong somewhere else along the same nerve. However carpal tunnel, which is caused by inflammation in your wrist that smooshes the blood vessels and nerves to your hand, ends up being a chronic thing. Which in case, keep your braces around and wear them and rest your hands if it ever starts to spring up again.) Sorry for the book! Hope you don't mind! :)

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