Thursday, November 01, 2007
Committed, as in "I am" or "I should be"?
Today I made an executive decision. I'm having a garage sale.

I've actually been thinking about this for the last few days.....I'm just feeling so overwhelmed by my stuff. And having trouble with this whole, "I have to declutter the house by thanksgiving so I can have my family over and not feel I have to close doors." So, I'm grabbing the stuff that is currently in sight and in my way and offering it up to complete strangers for pennies on the dollar.

So, the ad is in place and I am trying to figure out how much I should price things for and what else I can separate myself from. And trying to keep my momentum going to let go of things, since I am far too sentimental about my stuff.

I know, it is just stuff. And I am so not the person I was when I bought much of it. So why keep it? Time to move on.


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