Monday, December 17, 2007
heading in to the final stretch
Work deadlines are starting to ease and I'm getting ready to take some leave, first to celebrate my mother's birthday, then xmas with the family. I work two days between xmas and the new year, largely to finish transitioning the files for projects that no longer belong to me and begin working on new assignments.

Mom and I did a massive bakefest yesterday, I'm estimating about a thousand cookies for our friends and family and just under two dozen muffins for a work event today were made. I was so tired by the time I started making the muffins, I actually left an ingredient out (which is how I ended up with 23 instead of 24 muffins). Luckily the muffins turned out well (thank goodness!), and they tasted even better this morning! I am really not a group breakfast fixing person - my idea of a big breakfast is an omelet or eggs over medium with bacon and maybe cinnamon toast. So I've been trying to figure out what to cook for a week! There was a huge spread of all sorts of things this morning and it was quite wonderful. Lots of food, lots of laughter.

The knitting front is pretty quiet. I've taken on a few commission-type projects that are christmas gifts. One is complete, the other is almost there, in that I need to do about 4 more incheas of garter stitch and then figure out how the heck to crochet on a border. Crochet is so not my thing, but I think this one will need it. Knitting "want to dos" still surround me, but I've managed to keep my hands away from starting anything new.

While I'm off, I hope to at least finish organizing my studio. Not sure how much progress I will actually make, but I remain hopeful. A part of the organization process includes a review of what I had hoped to accomplish in 2007 and set some plans for 2008.

I can't believe that 2008 is basically two weeks away! A friend and I are talking about going away to celebrate somewhere, but nothing's been firmed up. Things have just been too crazy for me to do much of any research. So we shall see what happens!


Wow, that's a whole lot of baking! Sounds like you guys had a blast though! :)

Hey, another friend of mine and I are going to cast on for Icarus after Jan 1 sometime. Do you want to join us? Feel free to work on another shawl/stole if you'd like.

Well, hope you have a wonderful week!

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