Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Goose update
I made it home a little before dark tonight and caught sight of the baby geese. They have almost lost all of their yellow feathers, only a little remains around their necks and heads.

Baby Geese 4-27-2010


Coming up for air
In the final weeks of a big push at work. Only a little stitching and spinning to report. This is mainly what I see these days.

still life - my desk

Despite my being up-to-my-eyeballs at work, a friend has just enabled me into starting another knit project. My finish to start ratio really stinks, but here I go! This is a swatch for Que Sera from the latest Knitty.

Que Sera Swatch

I need an intervention!

Saturday, April 03, 2010
Spring has sprung!
Despite my pollen allergies which make me hide inside.....I love this time of year, it is so pretty out.


Although, I think this qualifies me being officially down a tree. I had not realized that it was still living after all of the previous efforts of the beaver - otherwise I would have tried to wrap it somehow. But now it is a lost cause I do believe.

wildlife destruction, again

And now there are baby geese!! Thank goodness for the zoon on my camera lens, because there is no getting near these guys.

baby geese and momma

baby geese

So far, I have counted five. Not sure if one will survive as it seems to be a little smaller and not moving as well as the others. I know it is a survival of the fittest thing and all, and I can't actually get to it to see if it is ok without definitely freaking all of them out and more than likely hurting me. But at this moment, it is sitting out in the sun eating grass so it can't be all that bad.

And now I am sneezing and hiding inside again. Housework soon to follow. Hope the sun is shining where you are!


Pollen Overload!
Spring has come to the south as has the pollen! I can't spend too much time outside right now without coughing or sneezing for a while after coming back in. Think I'm overstating? I'm considering renaming my pilot a bumblebee!

too much pollen!!

And this is what has ended up at the lakeside:

ridiculous amount of pollen!

Between the pollen and being sidelined this week with an out-of-place ribhead, I made some progress on my Mirabillia "M".

M - progress 4-3-10

M - Madeline
Letters from Nora/Mirabillia
Progress as of 4/3/10

And I got some lovely spinning stash from Holly EQQ. This is all the fault of the Flickr photostream! I saw some of the silk as she was preparing for a shop update and had to have it!

stashing from Holly EQQ!

And now, I am in search of my allergy meds!

